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Baixe agora Ordem Paranormal RPG, o livro de Cellbit que ensina a jogar um novo sistema de RPG em PDF 1.1

Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 Gratis Download

If you are a fan of role-playing games (RPGs) and paranormal stories, you might have heard of Livro RPG Cellbit, a Brazilian game created by Rafael Lange (Cellbit), Dan Ramos, and Felipe Della Corte. This game is based on the live streams of Cellbit, a famous YouTuber and streamer who plays RPGs with his friends and invites his audience to participate in the story. Livro RPG Cellbit is a game that allows you to create your own characters and stories in a world where paranormal phenomena are real and dangerous. In this article, we will tell you what Livro RPG Cellbit is, how to download it for free, and why you should play it.

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What is Livro RPG Cellbit?

Livro RPG Cellbit is a tabletop RPG that was launched in 2022 by Jambo Editora, a Brazilian publisher specialized in RPGs and board games. The game is inspired by the live streams of Cellbit, who plays RPGs with his friends using a system called Ordem Paranormal. Ordem Paranormal is a fictional organization that investigates and combats paranormal threats around the world. The players take the role of agents of Ordem Paranormal, who have special abilities and equipment to deal with supernatural creatures and events.

The origin of the project

The idea of Livro RPG Cellbit came from Cellbit himself, who wanted to create a game based on his live streams. He contacted Dan Ramos and Felipe Della Corte, two experienced RPG designers and writers, to help him develop the game. They worked together for more than a year, creating the setting, the system, the rules, and the content of the game. They also involved the community of Cellbit's fans, who gave feedback and suggestions through social media and online platforms.

The main features of the game

Livro RPG Cellbit has several features that make it unique and appealing to RPG fans. Some of them are:

  • The setting: The game takes place in a modern-day world where paranormal phenomena are real and hidden from the public eye. The players can explore different locations around the world, from urban centers to remote areas, and encounter various types of supernatural beings and events.

  • The system: The game uses a simple and intuitive system that allows the players to create their own characters and actions. The system is based on three attributes (Physical, Mental, and Social) and six skills (Combat, Investigation, Stealth, Technology, Influence, and Survival). The players roll dice to determine the outcome of their actions, adding modifiers based on their attributes, skills, equipment, and circumstances.

  • The rules: The game has rules that cover different aspects of the gameplay, such as character creation, combat, investigation, equipment, abilities, health, sanity, experience, etc. The rules are designed to be flexible and adaptable to different situations and scenarios.

The feedback from the players

Livro RPG Cellbit has received positive feedback from the players who have tried it. They have praised the game for its originality, creativity, immersion, diversity, fun, and quality. They have also enjoyed the interaction with Cellbit and his friends, who have played the game live on Twitch and YouTube. The game has sold more than 20 thousand copies in its pre-order phase and has become one of the most popular RPGs in Brazil.

How to download Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 for free?

If you want to download Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 for free, you have several options that you can choose from. Here are some of them:

The official website of Jambo Editora

The official website of Jambo Editora is the best place to get the latest version of Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1. You can access the website by clicking [here]. On the website, you can find the link to download the PDF file, as well as other information and resources about the game, such as the character sheet, the dice roller, the FAQ, the blog, and the store. You can also contact the publisher and the authors if you have any questions or feedback.

The Twitter account of Ordem Paranormal

The Twitter account of Ordem Paranormal is another option to download Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 for free. Ordem Paranormal is the official account of the game, where Cellbit and his friends post updates, news, tips, and spoilers about the game. You can follow the account by clicking [here]. On the account, you can find the link to download the PDF file, as well as other links to watch the live streams, join the Discord server, and support the project on Patreon.

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The Scribd document of StuDocu

The Scribd document of StuDocu is a third option to download Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 for free. Scribd is a platform that allows users to share and access documents online. StuDocu is a user who has uploaded Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 on Scribd for anyone to download. You can access the document by clicking [here]. On the document, you can find the PDF file, as well as a preview of the content and a summary of the game.

Why should you play Livro RPG Cellbit?

Now that you know what Livro RPG Cellbit is and how to download it for free, you might be wondering why you should play it. Well, there are many reasons why Livro RPG Cellbit is a great game for RPG lovers. Here are some of them:

The immersive and creative setting

Livro RPG Cellbit has a setting that will captivate you and inspire you to create your own stories. The setting is based on the real world, but with a twist: paranormal phenomena are real and hidden from the public eye. You can explore different locations around the world, from urban centers to remote areas, and encounter various types of supernatural beings and events. You can also learn more about the history and secrets of Ordem Paranormal, the organization that investigates and combats paranormal threats.

The flexible and dynamic system

Livro RPG Cellbit has a system that will allow you to create your own characters and actions. The system is based on three attributes (Physical, Mental, and Social) and six skills (Combat, Investigation, Stealth, Technology, Influence, and Survival). You roll dice to determine the outcome of your actions, adding modifiers based on your attributes, skills, equipment, and circumstances. The system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different situations and scenarios. You can also customize your character with special abilities and equipment that suit your style and preferences.

The collaborative and fun gameplay

Livro RPG Cellbit has a gameplay that will make you have fun and collaborate with your friends. The gameplay is based on the live streams of Cellbit, who plays RPGs with his friends using a system called Ordem Paranormal. You can watch his live streams to get inspiration and ideas for your own games. You can also interact with him and his friends through social media and online platforms. The gameplay is designed to be collaborative and fun, encouraging creativity, improvisation, communication, and cooperation among the players.


Livro RPG Cellbit is a tabletop RPG that was created by Rafael Lange (Cellbit), Dan Ramos, and Felipe Della Corte. It is based on the live streams of Cellbit, who plays RPGs with his friends using a system called Ordem Paranormal. The game allows you to create your own characters and stories in a world where paranormal phenomena are real and dangerous. You can download Livro RPG Cellbit PDF 1.1 for free from different sources online. You should play Livro RPG Cellbit because it has an immersive and creative setting, a flexible and dynamic system, and a collaborative and fun gameplay.


  • Q: How many players can play Livro RPG Cellbit?

  • A: Livro RPG Cellbit can be played by two or more players. One player takes the role of the Narrator, who creates and guides the story and the challenges. The other players take the role of the Agents, who create and control their characters and their actions.

  • Q: What kind of dice do I need to play Livro RPG Cellbit?

  • A: Livro RPG Cellbit uses six-sided dice (d6) to determine the outcome of the actions. You can use any kind of d6, such as regular dice, online dice, or virtual dice. You can also use the dice roller that is available on the official website of Jambo Editora.

  • Q: How long does a game of Livro RPG Cellbit last?

  • A: Livro RPG Cellbit does not have a fixed duration. The length of a game depends on the preferences and availability of the players, as well as the complexity and scope of the story. A game can last from a few minutes to several hours, or even span multiple sessions.

  • Q: Where can I find more information and resources about Livro RPG Cellbit?

  • A: You can find more information and resources about Livro RPG Cellbit on the following sources:

  • The official website of Jambo Editora: [here]

  • The Twitter account of Ordem Paranormal: [here]

  • The YouTube channel of Cellbit: [here]

  • The Twitch channel of Cellbit: [here]

  • The Discord server of Ordem Paranormal: [here]

  • The Patreon page of Ordem Paranormal: [here]

  • Q: How can I support Livro RPG Cellbit and its creators?

  • A: You can support Livro RPG Cellbit and its creators by doing the following things:

  • Buying the physical or digital version of the game from Jambo Editora or other online stores.

  • Watching and sharing the live streams and videos of Cellbit and his friends.

  • Giving feedback and suggestions to the authors and the publisher.

  • Creating and sharing your own stories and characters with other players.

  • Joining and contributing to the community of Ordem Paranormal on social media and online platforms.

  • Donating to the project on Patreon or other crowdfunding platforms.


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